Delta Tunnel Litigation
Delta Alliance's March 2023 comments to the Army Corps of Engineers
Michael A. Brodsky ACOE comments
Save the California Delta Alliance's Complaint against the twin-tunnels. Read to see how we defeated the twin-tunnel project in court and learn more about the problems with any Delta tunnel.
Save the California Delta Alliance's Protest against the twin tunnels before the State Water Resources Control Board.
Save the California Delta Alliance's 2015 administrative comments on the EIR
Delta Alliance's 2017 EIR comments on noise impacts
Save the California Delta Alliance's 2014 administrative comments on the EIR. A necessary predicate to litigation.
Delta Alliance's briefing before the Delta Stewardship Council against the twin tunnels
Delta Stewardship Council's Determination that the twin tunnels violate the Delta Plan
Delta Alliance's 10.24.18 presentation to the Council
Delta Alliance's 11.15.18 presentation to the Council